7 Laser Hair Removal Myths and Misconceptions Busted

It’s a real struggle to deal with unwanted body hair. Many women develop self-image issues as there’s fast and prominent hair growth in particular areas of their body. There have been many remedies and procedures followed for this purpose, but none of them has been proven as effective as laser hair removal.

In 2019, there were 457,000 laser hair removal procedures performed in the US alone. Experts believe that by 2026, the global market for this treatment will reach USD 3.9 billion at a growth rate of 15.4%. The procedure has become fairly common in the UAE as well, with more women opting for this method due to its long-lasting results.

Despite the growing popularity of this treatment, some people are still hesitant to get it. This hesitance is fuelled by myths and misconceptions commonly believed about the procedure. In this post, we have debunked the most common laser hair removal myths and misconceptions.

Read on to know more about them:

Myth 1: Laser Hair Removal is Only for Women

The most common myth about the laser hair removal procedure is that it is only suitable for women. However, not many know about the fact that some men, too, struggle with body hair, particularly those who are very particular about manscaping. This procedure can help to eliminate their struggle of shaving their body every few days.

Even if they do not wish to get rid of all body hair, they can still get this procedure. In simple words, they can use this method as a hair reduction treatment. As the procedure requires multiple sessions, one can settle for a limited number of sessions to get the desired results.

Myth 2: The Procedure is Painful

It is commonly believed that the laser hair removal procedure is painful. This isn’t exactly false, but the pain or discomfort is very mild and totally endurable. As a matter of fact, it is less painful as compared to waxing. So, if you have been able to endure the pain of waxing in the past, you can easily get this treatment without any issue. However, those with sensitive skin may feel somewhat intense discomfort.

Myth 3: It Emits Radiations that are Harmful

It is an FDA-approved procedure. Therefore, you can rest assured that it is completely safe for the skin. There are radiations, but they only remain between the laser’s light barriers. They are unable to exit the space. This makes laser hair removal a perfectly safe procedure.

Myth 4: Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers Can’t Get This Procedure

Many women fear that getting this procedure done while they are pregnant or a nursing mother can cause harm to their baby. This, however, is a myth since there are no conclusive studies that back this statement. It is still better to consult your physician before getting any procedure, including laser hair, while you’re pregnant or a breastfeeding mother.

Myth 5: The Results of Laser Hair Removal Are Same for Everyone

No, they are not. They can vary greatly depending upon one’s skin type and the colour of hair. For instance, it is tough to remove red hair. Similarly, laser hair removal treatment cannot remove grey or white hair as they do not contain pigment that attracts the laser.

Myth 6: It Only Requires a Couple of Sessions

One of the major benefits of laser hair removal treatment is that you can get to see benefits after a single session. This has given rise to the myth that only one session for this treatment is required. At maximum, they get two sessions and skip the remaining ones. This, however, is a wrong approach.

Not getting the required number of sessions can impact the results adversely. In a worst-case scenario, you may end up getting back to the square one with hair growing again.

Research explains that only 20% of the hair is targeted during each session. Hence, multiple sessions are required so that every follicle is targeted. It is also important to note that some follicles do not get fully damaged in one go. They require multiple treatments to be damaged completely. So, if you are not taking complete sessions, follicles that aren’t fully destroyed can regenerate. This can result in the growth of new hair.

Myth 7: It Stimulates Dense Hair Growth on the Skin

Another misconception about laser hair removal is that it stimulates dense hair growth. There’s no reality behind this. This procedure, as stated above, destroys hair follicles. So, there’s no chance of creating new ones.

Having said that, you should also know that it cannot guarantee the prevention of newer hair follicles growth. Hair can grow after getting this treatment, but they are lighter and finer. And laser hair treatment has nothing to do with their growth. If this was the case, every person looking for a cure for baldness would have gotten this treatment.

Final Thoughts

If you want the best results, it’s important that you get this treatment, or any other cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure for that matter, from an experienced specialist in Dubai. You can find the services of the most expert specialists in the industry at Aesthetics International. Our panel includes some of the best doctors and aesthetic specialists in Dubai. The best part – we are offering a massive 45% discount on laser hair treatment. This offer is available for a limited time only. So, book your appointment now and say goodbye to unwanted hair – that too without burning a hole in your pockets.

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