Questions to Ask Before Getting a Buttock Augmentation Surgery

Cosmetic surgeries are becoming more popular among youth and adults alike. Regardless of whether it’s invasive or related to a particular body part, people are comfortable with the concept of making long-term changes. Almost 70% of the population showing interest in cosmetic procedures are people between the ages of 18-34.

This is largely due to the provision of high-quality and reliable cosmetic surgeries by expert personnel. All around countries like the UAE, experienced surgeons are available to perform all the trending surgeries. Among the most demanded procedures, buttock augmentation surgery has ranked among the top for quite a while, with over 4,000 procedures performed in 2018 and 2019. 

As per the statistics provided by ASPS, the past 2 decades have marked a 228% increase in the demand for buttock augmentation.

If you or anyone you know is thinking of getting one, make sure you know a couple of things beforehand:

What is Buttock Augmentation Surgery?

Buttock augmentation is a surgical procedure aimed at enlarging or enhancing the gluteal area. The procedure is the same even if you’re looking to have the area reshaped. Lately, the contemporary preference of society is shifting towards curvier and more contoured appearances. That is why people are willing to undergo grafting procedures or have implantations to attain the ideal physique.  

These are the two types of buttock augmentation surgery that you can get:

  • Fat grafting (Brazilian Butt Lift)
  • Buttock implants

There are many things that a candidate should know before you can make an informed decision. Firstly, let’s take a look at the differences between both procedures:

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is the process of removing fat from one area of the body, e.g. the thighs, abdomen, etc. This fat is then injected into the buttocks to bring out a plump and fuller appearance.

Buttock Implants

Buttock implants involve making incisions in areas surrounding the buttocks and inserting silicone implants. While there are other options that only involve injecting materials like silicone and hydrogel, it’s not recommended due to the risks that these processes entail.  

As we can see, there are substantial differences between the two approaches. What suits you will depend upon your subjective situation. You can ask this along with other questions about buttock augmentation surgery to your surgeon in your initial consultation. 

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

You will need to take the initiative and learn about the procedure in some detail in order to have a productive conversation with your surgeon. While it’s also possible to go for a consultation to get the required knowledge, you can save up time and have more specific questions if you prepare.

So, here’s a brief list of questions you should consider asking your surgeon:

Will you be performing the procedure?

Although surgeons are likely to meet every patient themselves, it’s possible that you’re sitting in with a consultant or receptionist. While it’s not harmful to have a discussion with other personnel, we recommend sitting in with the person who’s going to perform the procedure. That’s why it’s best that you begin by asking this question bluntly to get right to the point.

How experienced are you?

Once you’re conversing with the surgeon, confidently ask them about their experience as a surgeon. Moreover, be more specific and ask them about their experience in performing buttock augmentation surgery. This can reveal a lot of things and give you a chance to establish a good rapport with your surgeon. Needless to say, it goes a long way in helping the candidate feel satisfied and content with the surgery.

Am I a good candidate for the procedure?

Although it’s a limited number, some diseases and medical conditions can restrict you from getting buttock augmentation surgery. As it is for all other cosmetic surgeries, this one also demands that you discuss all your medical history with your surgeon. You never know what conditions might end up complicating the procedure or the aftereffects.

What type of buttock augmentation surgery will you perform?

As we’ve discussed above, there are two types of buttock augmentation surgery that are commonly recommended. Once you have had a long discussion about your case and your requirements and expectations regarding the process, ask the surgeon which type of butt lift they’ll go for.

Can you explain the process to me?

Regardless of whether it’s a simple injection or a fully invasive grafting process, have your surgeon explain it all. You can pick up a few important details with regards to what you can expect from the surgery. Similarly, you will have a better idea about the precautions and prerequisites for ensuring the best results.

How long will it take to recover from the surgery?

Depending upon whether your surgeon chooses an invasive or a non-invasive type of surgery, your downtime will vary. You can expect a minimum of 2-3 weeks for the procedure to show its effects in full. We also recommend asking your surgeon about the activities you can engage in and have to refrain from.

Will there be any adverse effects I need to know about?

There are side effects associated with many cosmetic surgeries. While some of these may be temporary such as rashes, swelling, bruising, etc., others can be drastic. Your surgeon will best be able to guide you on the expected circumstances after the surgery.

Are the results and/or effects permanent?

Buttock lift surgeries can last for a variable amount of time, depending upon the type of procedure used. Furthermore, the lifestyle that is followed after the procedure also affects the overall results of the procedure. For example, your buttock area will experience weight gain if your overall body weight increases. Similarly, you will eventually lose the fat inside the buttock if you don’t follow a proper diet and exercise routine after the procedure. So, the effects are as permanent as your diet and exercise are regular.


Buttock augmentation surgery is classified as a completely safe and effective procedure that can have substantially long-lasting results. However, like all cosmetic procedures, the success rate, as well as quality of results, depends upon the surgeon that’s performing the surgery. That’s why we recommend that you consult with the best in the field in this regard. So, book an appointment at Aesthetics International. We have the most experienced surgeons in Dubai who specialize in performing this surgery.

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